About Us
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Our Story
Disha Skin And Laser Institute was concieved in 2011 due to the need of an all encompassing skin care facility in the city of Thane and its suburbs.
The institute was designed by a group of dermatologists who started this patient-centric clinic with the sole aim of providing world class skin care for skin, hair, nail and cosmetic needs.
Being patient-centric is the main focus and driving force of the institute’s work culture
Over more than a decade since the evolution , this institute has catered to more than 1 lac patients and the doctors have a collective experience of treating more than 8 lac patients.
The Institute provides care to patients coming from an area of radius spanning nearly 100KMs. The institute also provides online consultation for patients who cannot physically reach the institute.
Other than patient care programs and clinical services the institute has educational and training opportunities along with world-class research and clinical trial initiatives
Other than patient care programs and clinical services the institute has educational and training opportunities along with world-class research and clinical trial initiatives
The institutes team of doctors and staff cater to more than 100 patients in a day. It has the most advances lasers, phototherapy systems and operation theatre. we also provide the same services at a very minimal cost to the economically deprived sections of our society in our charitable OPD on Mondays and Thursday.
Disha Skin And Laser Institute is at your service on all days of the week and committed to help you in taking care of skin, hair, nail and cosmetic concerns
For any questions and queries, connect with us at +919321632000 and we will be happy to talk with you.

Our Mission is to provide the most accurate information to our patients and help them choose the right treatments.
Our Vision is to make the right skincare treatments available to all strata of the society without any prejudice.
Our Values






- Dermatological and Aesthetic Consultations
- Laser, Light and Radiofrequency Systems
- Hair Reduction (Diode laser), Acne (Intense Pulsed Light system)
- Pigmentation, Tattoo Removal, Moles / Birthmarks (Q-Switched NdYAG laser)
- Scars, Stretch Marks, Skin Rejuvenation (Fractional CO2 laser)
- Body Contouring, Facial Tightening, Wrinkle Reduction(BTL machine)
- Botox, Fillers, Chemical Peels, Skin Polishing, Dermaroller
- Mesotherapy, Stem Cell therapy, PRP therapy for Hair Growth and Skin Rejuvenation.
- Electrocautery, Radiofrequency, Iontophoresis, Ear Piercing
- Advanced ‘DAVLIN(USA)’ Phototherapy Systems : Whole body, Targeted, Hand and Foot Unit (For vitiligo, Psoriasis, Eczemas)
- Well-Equipped Operation Theatre for
- Vitiligo Surgery (Including Melanocyte
- Hair Restoration (FUT / FUE)
- Ear Lobe Repair, Nail Surgery, Plastic Surgery

Panel of Experts

Dr. R. G. Torsekar
(M.D., F.C.P.S., D.V. &D)

Dr. Satish Udare
(M.D., D.V. & D.)

Dr. (Mrs.) Kaberi Som
(M.D., D.V. & D.)

Dr. Sandeep U. Buddhadeo
(M. Derm., D.V. & D.)

Dr. (Mrs.) Bina Vyas
(D.V. & D., D.D.V., D.N.B.)

Dr. (Mrs.) Vishalakshi Viswanath
(M.D., D.N.B., D.V. & D.)

Dr. Vinay Gopalani
(D.V. & D., D.N.B.)

Dr. Manoj Jain
(M.B.B.S., D.D.V., F.C.C.P.)
Faculty Members

Dr. Renney Pinto
(M.B.B.S., D.D.V.L.)

Dr. Ruchita Hasija
(M.B.B.S., M.D.) (SKIN & VD)

Dr. Rucha Lahne
(M.B.B.S., D.D.V.)

Dr. Avani Gulhane
(M.B.B.S., M.D., D.V.L.)

Dr. Rituparna Basumatary
(M.D. Dermatology)

Dr. Jay Gupte
(M.B.B.S., D.D.V., M.D.)

Dr. Manoj Badoley
(M.B., M.S (General Surgery), M.R.C.S, D.N.B (Plastic surgery), M.N.A.M.S(Plastic surgery) )

Charmi Gala
(R.D., C.D.E., P.G.D., B.Sc.)